Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Skills Reinforcement


Sessions held via video chat facility on Skype


The objective is to review and refresh previously taught Dialectical Behavioural skills, as well as to assist in the ultimate goal of "building a life worth living".

Repeating the modules, more than once, is a key aspect of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy.

It will suit those for whom Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) has been an effective treatment, through an intensive DBT course, but for whom face-to-face therapy is no longer a practical or essential option, likely because they live some distance away.

Intendend Results

In the Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Skills Reinforement programme you will:

Re-familiarise yourself with the core DBT modules

  • Mindfulness
  • Distress Tolerance
  • Emotion Regulation and
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness


The structure will very much depend on individual need, established through an agenda. However, the focus will be on working through hand-outs on a weekly basis.

Sessions will be one hour in length, and held according to need.

Priced at £100.00 per hour, sessions to be paid for in advance, usually via internet bank transfer.

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